My Drug of Choice

Steep Valley at Bukhan National Park
Buying a Wacom tablet and Corel's Painter 9 software has got me firmly hooked on old artistic habits that I haven't awakened for years - a bit rusty at this stage, but the number of artistic choices and the authentic quality of the media tools are unbelievable. I doubt whether I'll be using Photoshop nearly as much in the future with the creative tools now at my fingertips. Now, I just have to remember that full-time job I've got to hold down during the day...better not burn anymore of the post midnight oil for now.
It's snowing today which reminds
me of you as you love snow a lot.
Have a great time with snow ~
When you called 'Anna' it sounded
very cute and friendly. That was as if you called somebody who belongs to your family...
Moreover, your lips were so cute when it is pronounced.
That's why I love that name.
Today was a very cold day.. but
I like inhaling the cold air outside,especially walking along the street.
Today, I had a long journey to my tutee's house but I am happy with this job all the time which allows me to enjoy coffee and buy somthing for someone I love.
The coffee I had today was a gift delivered something warm to my cold and lonely heart in this cold day.
Wish you stay warm in this cold winter. Of course you do.
Today morning, I had a dream of going somewhere seemed like Mexico with you. I didn't want to awake
from the dream but I awoke up.. so I was in bed for a long while.
Travelling with you to Maxico would be a great pleasure..even as a friend. I don't want to think of your girlfreind at this moment.
In reality, I'm the one who strives to keep the relationship of acquaintances and be even in fear of losing it.
However, I'm thankful for allowing
humanbeings to have dreams what they want and imagine whatever they want.
While doing writing homework on computer I unconsciously shed tears.... When am i gana find the right man for me ?
I know I shouldn't miss you.. but I crazily miss you.....
If you only see me, you will forgive me everything I did..
smiling as if there is nothing happened so far.
If only I see you again..I will
be moved to burst into cry..
Please bump into you....anywhere.
Today morning, I took a Toefl class which I think is good, but I got a stange feeling that the teacher said over gain that he is a married man strange enough for me to think of what you said, my notoriousness at the uni, I believe.
To be honest, I've never been falling in love with every man. I loved only 4 men in my life so far which is not desirable, I know but I did. Even I've never had even lunch with any married man only two.
In my twenties, I loved a man alone at my work for one and a half year. He was 9years older than me so he always said that he was too old for me and turned me down and got married to another woman who is younger than me.
After that, I never loved any man since I met D. Before I came to this uni, I had to work for an isurance company instread of studying at the university, because my old-fashioned father didn't want to support me to enter the universtity. Instead he wanted to support more my bother who is better-working at his study.
Therefore, for me there were few chances to socialize with men because my department is consists of a great deal of women employees. At that time, I felt annoyed with someone who I'm not interested in talking to me. I both worked hard and studied for a university so the last thing in my mind is dating mens. Acutally I don't need any man because I have lots of freinds to travel or do many different things together.
Anyway, swear to the sky, it was the only three men who I had a meal only toghether with me in my life time so far, except formal blind dates.
I hope what I guess about his over saying about his wife is wrong. Was it wrong for me to take a class at the uni ?
Today, what am i gana talk to you?
First of all, the part of me is afraid of getting your e-mail like
" Stop it. Stop harrassing...I warned you... Stop stalk me, I'll get a police..." when I find new-mails comming in my e-mail box.
The part of me is waiting for your e-mail like " I'm sorry ,
I want to talk to you , feel free to contact me." to get into my e-mail box, which is little possible to happen.
Today, what I'd really like to say " You're making a big mistake in you life. You will regret it for all your life if you miss me. " " You're kicking your great luck like me, but still you have the chance. grab and get me.
Adding to one of my professors saying, she said that my future husband and family will be blessed, for sure.
I definately agree with her, because my brother-in-law whose family is well off promised me to support whatever you want if you become our family....( if only you become my boyfriend) and most of all, I firmly believe I can make you happier than now in many ways(aspects).
I love you.. as you possess the aspect that I love most as my man.
First, you're not popular with young girls, Lucky to me,they don't think you're as handsome as I think when I asked some girls at the uni. So far, nobody has wanted to become your girlfriend as they think you're too old, Yaho!!!
Besides, I found that you're also not interested in young girls, even never give eyes on them and never talk to them. I'm sure you can love only one woman forever, As long as a crizy and nice girl like me doesn't attract you....
So I feel confident if there is only one woman, your fiancee for me to compete with( defeat), who is a bad cook , not young and even complaining that you're talkative although you think she's the most beautiful woman in the world.
For these reasons, I can not give up on you... forever... Grab me quickly
Thesedays, when I see someone who has yellow hair.. it reminds me of you.. I don't know why..perhaps I miss you so much.... ^^;;
Now I'm doing writing practice.. I'm translating given Korean sentences into English all afternoon, but I barely finished only 2chapters.
Actually, I can't concentrate on my writing practice as I spent most of time seeing pictures and reading your comments on them again in and out your blog, doing writing at the same time. . ^^::
But I wouldn't want to blame myself, I need something enjoyable as it's Friday evening ..if I don't do it I gona go creazy.
I love your blog.. it allows me to feel (imagine) as if I were talking to you something secret, you were carefully listening to what I said, caring me all the time. So it made my gloomy friday evening change to bright and pleasant one.
What did I do this Sunday..?
Spending all day taking care of two nieces and washing a lot of dishes are my duty of our monthly family occasion whenever my sister's family visited our house.
I love babies and kids but sometimes it is not easy to look after them all day. They make lots of messy and I need to clean everywhere following them... I need to make them laugh , creating new and childish activities to stop their crying.
I love seeing my brother and sister but my Mom prepare a lot of food for them, which means i
have a lot to do with my Mom, especially washing tens of dishes three times.. ( My Mom dont want her dauther in law to do it as she think she does everyday but I don't, so she want me to do it. )
Suppose that you spend all day preparing food and washing dishes.. taking care of babies and kids.
Actually I enjoyed this time and this occasion but these days I'd want to do other things instead of doing it, like spending time with you.
I want to cook for you, wash dishes for you... ^^
When I help my mom with cooking I automatically recall you. I'd want to take some delicious food to you.
I'd like to give a call to you to ask if I can see you for a moment to hand some food and have a coffee together with you , but
I'm scared of hearing from you that I'm such an annoying person. how many times do you have to talk to me about the same thing and
eventually, I would lose chances to see you as a even pleasant acquaintance forever.
I wouldn't want to make my loving one, you scare of me.
Wish see you soon.
How shocking..? One of my friend who is now in Canada said that you're a gay on the phone...
How funny..?
I know her intention that she wants me to give up on you and move on to new love, because she thinks that she wouldn't be happy when a woman loves more than a man does and it's impossible for her to be loved by such a man. Therefore, it's really a huge waste of time.
Do I have to think you as a gay?
Do you want me to do so?
I'd rather hope someone who will take my heart from you accidentally appear soon.. while loving you alone..
It's so painful for me to try to find and meet some other men to just forget about you..because I recall you whenever I see any other man in any place.
They looked as if they were you..
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