Korea has again been swept by an incredible wave of soccer fever, and thank God they won their first match against Togo otherwise the suicide rate may have just gone up with the pain of defeat. Koreans seem to take it all so seriously, as though their international reputation could be indelibly scarred by a quick defeat. This cute kid was on his way to City Hall to cheer on "the Reds" and luckily, he was going to be pretty rapped with the final score. As fate had it my exams started the next morning after the game, and so many students turned up bleary-eyed and hungover, and weren't too focused on giving their Powerpoint presentations to the class. The second game is tonight at 4am (!) and guess who has another exam tomorrow morning at 10am - viper teacher ('doksa' as they say in Korean), but what can I do? It is the final exam week after all.
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