Monday, February 28, 2005

Atheneo bookstore in Barrio Norte was once a magnificent theater and even has frescoes on the ceiling! This has got to be the most beautiful bookstore I have ever seen. Just a pity that they didn't have any books on learning Spanish as a foreign language. My advice to travelers is to bring them from home or be faced with trying to learn out of a dictionary, which is all they seem to stock.
Friday, February 25, 2005

These 'piquateros' or protesters are hammering away and blowing their whistles outside one of the notorious banks that withheld everybody's money during the economic crisis back in 2002. Imagine having your life savings reduced by two thirds almost overnight and not being able to withdraw any of it for converting into US dollars and safeguarding against further devaluations in the local peso...I would have been out there hammering away myself under those circumstances.
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Garganta del Diablo or the Devil's Throat Cascade is the mightiest of the numerous falls over the two kilometre stretch. Gazing out at the throat and all that water descending down into the roaring depths made me feel compelled to ease myself out over the rails and end it all for a few crazed seconds, before reality set in and took hold (fortunately for the future of this blog)
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Friday, February 18, 2005
Mi Buenos Aires querido...

Buenos Aires is a chaotic mix of old and ultramodern architecture juxtaposed together.
I've spent two weeks here in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and have loved almost every moment of it. The first week I did a Spanish language course at IBL in the city center and met loads of foreigners from different parts of the world who all seemed to want to relocate here. There is definitely something very special about BA, that has drawn me in and makes me feel really alive.
The second week has been spent sightseeing, and chatting with the locals in numerous cafes and eateries around the city. I can't get over the fact that Argentinians are still so positive in their outlook and gracious in their manners despite being screwed over so badly by successive governments.